The Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Development District (“District”) is an independent special district, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and established by Ordinance No. 06-06, adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Garden, Florida on January 26, 2006 and which became effective on February 5, 2006. This District includes within its boundaries approximately 146,692 acres lying in Section 35, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, and Section 2, Township 23 South, Range 27 East located in Orange County.
Public Purpose:
The Winter Garden Village at Fowler Groves Community Development District is a local, special purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes as amended, and created by ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida as an alternative method of planning, acquiring, operating and maintaining community-wide improvements in planned communities. A CDD provides the “solution” to Florida’s need to provide valuable community infrastructure generated by growth, ultimately without overburdening other governments and their taxpaying residents. Community Development Districts represent a major advancement in Florida’s effort to manage its growth effectively and efficiently. This allows a developer to establish higher construction standards, meanwhile providing a long-term solution to the operation and maintenance of the community’s facilities.
District Infrastructure and Property
The District issued its Series 2016 Bonds (“Bonds”) to fund the construction and/or acquisition of stormwater management improvements, landscaping, utilities improvements, and roadway improvements.
District Annual Budgets
The District will annually approve both a Series 2016 Bonds debt service budget and an Operations and Maintenance “O&M” budget. The Series 2016 Bonds require level annual debt service and so the bond debt service budget will not vary substantially from year-to-year.
District annual Non-Ad Valorem Assessments
The District annually collects from property owners within its boundaries both a bond debt service assessment and an O&M assessment. The bond debt service assessment helps amortize the District’s Series 2016 Bonds. The O&M assessment funds the District’s annual O&M activities.